李春艳, 博士,讲师,主讲《 微积分 》《 线性代数 》《 MATLAB数学应用软件 》等课程,从事 运筹学与管理 方向的研究。
1、带有止步的休假排队系统的模型分析 院基金 2006.1-2008.12 负责人
2、带有休假或止步的排队模型分析 院基金 2009.1-2010.12 负责人
3、公司治理对剥离决策和绩效的影响研究-以我国上市公司为样本. 教育部人文社科青年基金. 2013.1到2015.12. 本人排名/总人数,3/7
4、浙江省文化创意产业链的整合模式与衍生路径研究。浙江省社科规划课题,2015.3-2016.6. 本人排名2
Dequan, Yue Wuyi, Li Chunyan, Performance Analysis of the State-dependent M/Ek/1
Queue with Balking. Proceedings of The
Queueing Symposium—Stochastic Models and Their Applications, Japan, 2006,
2、Yue Dequan, Li Chunyan, Yue Wuyi,
The matrix- geometric solution of the M/Ek/1 queue with balking and
state-dependent service. Nonlinear
Dynamics and Systems Theory, 2006, 3(6), 87-100
3、Yue Dequan, Li Chunyan, Performance
analysis of the state-dependent M/Ek/1 queue with balking and server
vacation, Proc. of the Eighth National
Conference of Operations Research Society of China, 2006, 576-583
4、李春艳,带有止步和状态相依的M/Ej/1/N排队系统的矩阵解法. 数学的实践与认识. 2007,13(37),129-138. (ISSN 1000-0984)
5、Yue Dequan, Li Chunyan, Performance
analysis of the state-dependent M/Ek/1 queue with balking and single vacation.
Proceedings of the second Asia-Pacific symposium on queueing theory and network
6、李春艳,周明华. 带有止步和状态相依的M/Ej/1多重休假排队系统—矩阵几何解法.浙江工业大学学报, ISSN 1006-4303 2007, 5(35),586-593
7、 Chunyan Li, Dequan Yue.A queuing
model of the N-design multi-skill call center with impatient customers[J].
International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology.
2015,8(2),51-60. (EI收录号: 20151900825036)
8、Dequan Yue, Chunyan Li, Wuyi Yue.
Performance analysis and optimization of a queueing model for a multi-skill
call center in M-design[C].Queueing Theory and Network Applications, 2015:153-162.
(EI收录号: 20154601533008)
9、Chunyan Li. Performance Analysis and the Staffing Optimization for a
Multi-skill Call Center in M-design Based on Queueing Model Method [C]. 2016
International Conference on Computer Science, Technology and Application. World
Scientific, 2016:454-467